How To Setup A Simple Webpack and Babel Server From Scratch.

I am currently learning web development and trying to understand the basic concept of it. So I decided to learn how to setup up simple servers for my frontend applications instead of using frameworks like react, angular or vue.

Today, we will setup Webpack and Babel from scratch. Webpack is used for bundling our source codes from development to production, which can be served to the client. Babel is used for compiling ES6, ES7 and ES future into ES5 as most old browsers do not support Javascript codes above the ES5 version.

Now, let's get into it. Firstly, a list of the packages we will need: webpack, webpack-cli, webpack-dev-server, @babel/core, @babel/preset-env, babel-loader, @babel-polyfill, @babel/plugin-transform-runtime, html-webpack-plugin, css-loader and style-loader.



Create a folder on your desktop and call it frontend-setup; right-click on the folder and select open with code to open the folder in vs code. Once the folder is open, click on terminal and select new terminal. 2020-11-22 11_03_37-Greenshot.png

In the terminal, type

npm init

to initialize the node package manager. npm init creates a package.json file that allows you to setup common features like package name, version, description, e.t.c. 2020-11-22 11_09_57-frontend-setup - Visual Studio Code.png In package name: (frontend-setup); leave it as frontend-setup, version is mostly (1.0.0), in description: , give a little insight of what you are building, leave the entry point as index.js, leave test command:, git repository:, keywords: empty as they are not too important at this stage. put your name as the author, leave license:(ISC). Press enter to create the package.json file.

When you open package.json, you will get something like this: 2020-11-22 11_17_50-package.json - frontend-setup - Visual Studio Code.png We are done with the first step.



Inside the frontend-setup folder; we create two folders; dist and src respectively, inside each of them, we create a js folder. 2020-11-22 12_01_51-package.json - frontend-setup - Visual Studio Code.png Now, inside the js folder in the dist folder i.e dist/js, we create a bundle.js file. Inside the src/js we create an index.js file. 2020-11-22 12_04_56-index.js - frontend-setup - Visual Studio Code.png Now we will have to npm install most of the packages. First we install webpack and webpack-cli. In the terminal write

npm install --save-dev webpack webpack-cli

note: --save-dev will save our package as a dev-dependency which means we only need them during development. Using only --save will save them as both development and production dependencies.

If our installation is successful, you will get the webpack and webpack-cli jsons under devDependencies inside our package.json 2020-11-22 12_08_51-package.json - frontend-setup - Visual Studio Code.png

Next we create a webpack.confing.js file inside our frontend-setup. In the webpack.config.js file, we import path like this

const path = require('path');

path is a nodejs module that allow us to move through file directories.

Then we export the path module in object format

const path = require('path');

module.exports = {


Inside the module.exports, we define the mode: 'development', entry: './src/js/index.js', output:{path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'), filename: './js/bundle.js'}. So we will have our setup like this inside the

const path = require('path');

module.exports = {

    mode: 'development',
    entry: './src/js/index.js',
    output: {
        path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
        filename: './js/bundle.js'

Now goto package.json inside "scripts":{ }, change "test" to "dev" and change "echo \"Error: no test specified\"&& exit 1" to "webpack --mode development". Also add "build":"webpack --mode production". So your package.json will look like this: 2020-11-22 13_27_07-package.json - frontend-setup - Visual Studio Code.png

Next we install webpack-dev-server

npm install --save-dev webpack-dev-server

webpack-dev-server enables us to run our app in localhost live server.

Now if you goto your package.json file, you will see that webpack-dev-server has been added as a devDependency. Inside scripts, add "start": "webpack serve --mode development". This is because we are only using the localhost live server for development, when we deploy to production, we won't need it anymore. Your scripts section will now look thus:

2020-11-22 15_08_33-package.json - frontend-setup - Visual Studio Code.png

Next, goto webpack.config.js and configure the server. Create an object called devServer and add this to it:

2020-11-22 14_18_44-webpack.config.js - frontend-setup - Visual Studio Code.png

open :true tells the app to open localhost:8080 in the browser once npm run start is entered in the terminal. contentBase: 'dist' tells the app to pick it's content from the dist folder.

Inside src/js, create a test.js file. Inside the file, type

const test = "A simple server test"

export default test

Then goto src/js/index.js and import test

import test from './test'


Goto the dist folder and create an index.html page. link the bundle.js file to the index.html page. So you will have: 2020-11-22 14_23_09-index.html - frontend-setup - Visual Studio Code.png

In the terminal type

npm run dev

This will bundle all our javascript codes in the src/js/index.js to the js/bundle.js in the dist folder. If you goto to the terminal and type

start dist/index.html

your default browser will open and if you open the console you will see this: 2020-11-22 14_28_51-.png

If you change the value of the test variable in your test.js and run npm run dev again then refresh the browser, the content logged to the console changes to the latest update.

But we don't want to keep run npm run dev and refreshing the browser each time we make an update to our code. We already have a webpack-dev-server installed. The next thing we will do is to install a HTML bundler plugin which will bundle the HTML from src to the index.html in the dist folder.

To achieve this, we will create a HTML page in src folder (index.html). We will setup the index.html with simple html5 codes and add a h1 title tag and a couple of other tags to display in the browser. We have something like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

    <h1>This is a frontend setup page</h1>
    <p>We are learning how to setup webpack and babel for frontend development</p>


Next we will install the html-webpack-plugin to help us bundle our HTML code.

npm install --save-dev html-webpack-plugin

Once we are done with the installation, we goto webpack.config.js and set it up. First, we will import the html-webpack-plugin directly below path. The html-webpack-plugin is a constructor function so we must start its variable name in caps lock

const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin')

Then inside module.exports, we create a new object called plugins which will take array of properties and values.

            new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
            filename: 'index.html',
            template: './src/index.html'

Since html-webpack-plugin is a constructor function, we will start it with the new keyword. The filename: 'index.html' means the index.html in the dist folder, while the template:'./src/index.html is the page where we write our HTML codes.

Now in the terminal, run

npm run dev

next run

npm run start

The browser will open with localhost:8080 and we will have this 2020-11-22 15_13_15-Document.png

We are done setting webpack. For more on Webpack Click Here



In terminal, install the following babel packages

npm install --save-dev @babel/core @babel/preset-env babel-loader @babel/plugin-transform-runtime

Once the installation is done, inside the frontend-setup, create a file called


Now your app tree will look like this: 2020-11-22 15_33_36-.babelrc - frontend-setup - Visual Studio Code.png

Inside the .babelrc file, write this:

                    "browsers":"last 8 versions"

Goto webpack.config.js, inside module.exports, add comma to the last object and the add this

 module: {
        rules: [{
                test: /\.js$/,
                exclude: /node_modules/,
                use: {
                    loader: 'babel-loader'


Babel-loader is a module, so it has some rules to follow. Rules like test, exclude are written in regex while use is written as object function. test:/.js$/ tests every javascript file in the frontend-setup app. exclude:// is used to exclude javascript files inside node_modules. babel-loader is used to load the javascript that are to be complied to ES5.

Next we install @babel/polyfill as a dependency. It is the only dependency we will still use in production, hence we won't add -dev while installing it.

npm install --save @babel/polyfill

After the installation, go to webpack.config.js, in entry, add '@babel/polyfill'

entry: ['@babel/polyfill', './src/js/index.js'],

Now we are done with Babel setup for our app. For more on Babel click here



To add css-loader, style-loader; we create a css file in the src folder. Call it index.css now we install the loaders to help us load our css files.

npm install --save-dev css-loader style-loader

After installation, we goto the webpack.config.js and add the css-loader and style-loader to the rules inside the module object

 module: {
        rules: [{
                test: /\.js$/,
                exclude: /node_modules/,
                use: {
                    loader: 'babel-loader'

                test: /\.css$/,
                use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader']

Now, if we goto our src/js/index.js file and import css thus

import '../index.css'

Now we go to our src/index.css file and give our index.html tags some styles.


This is the simplest way to setup webpack and babel for frontend development. It is quite a straightforward setup. It can be tricky to setup too so always look out for spelling mistakes especially in the webpack.config.js file.